The Bureau Veritas, the world’s leading in control services, testing and certification for Quality, Health & Safety, Environment and Social Responsibility, confirms the ‘Higher Level IFS Logistic Version 2 to Torello Trasporti.
The system HACCP and IFS has been recertified with a very positive by the Certifying Bureau Veritas. It was adopted the new system for temperature control of the vehicle and the goods at a distance that is realized in the installation of sensors for detecting the temperature of the commodity, integrated continuous monitoring of the probes of cold storage furniture, which allows the operator to door , to check the temperature of the goods and of the medium even at a distance.
The system is equipped with specific alerts that indicate, in real time, any malfunction of the probes is that the temperatures of travel. It may be possible for the customer to view the temperatures of the goods entrusted to us during the journey, via unauthorized access to the system.
Our aim is to ensure a high level of food safety, in accordance with local regulations, in a sector which we are involved daily with great professionalism.