Precise. Led to consider his work as an extension of his own character, Pasquale Soglia – Developer – born in 1986, is a computer engineer stationed in Montoro, the headquarters, right where the decisions that will be taken throughout the group pass. The seriousness and safety of a professionally mature person who deals with the most innovative profession that there is with a self-imposition: “go beyond the limits”. The interest to offer his own personal contribution in the sector that represents him falls well into the week of International Earth Day: sustainability in the technological field to find the most suitable ways to make digital transformation compatible with the objectives set out in the UN 2030 Agenda.
Minister Vittorio Colao said that digital innovation has a unique feature, that of being potentially a great equalizer of differences. In other words, it allows us to close large gaps: territorial, social and competences. And to choose the life we want to live.
In short, pragmatism prevails but even in a methodical person like Pasquale some aspects come out that you would not suspect…
The relationship with Torello. When he was born and how he evolved.
After a series of heterogeneous experiences in 2018 I landed in Torello. When I arrived the IT department was not very structured. I have already been given carte blanche and the opportunity to put at the service of my colleagues my perception of work and its efficiency at the operational level.
Today I deal with different approaches of type computer science, from the analysis to the software development, passing for the planning and management of the information flows (traced EDI) let alone of all the operating necessities that demand integrations or new developments, whatever the level or context of interest.
The relationship with Torello helped me to bring home an extra serenity. Where I worked before I had lost my enthusiasm and stimuli, this dissatisfaction inevitably had a relapse in private life. So, I started to do several interviews but the offer itself or the company vision did not coincide with the idea I had of my profession, I perceived the limits that would burden my professional and personal growth. After almost three and a half years, having focused on a company that I think is winning makes me feel good, allows me to dedicate myself to an important project. Today I have the certainty that I made the right choice and this happens when you have a personal and professional growth. Confirmations are a benefit I take in private.
Three adjectives for Torello
Eterogenea. In the broadest sense. Both from the point of view of the nature of the business that the company takes care of is at the level of approach with different figures that interact always finding a common point. An approach that fascinates me and allows me to expand my knowledge to be able to intervene in more contexts than my own sector.
Innovativa. And I’d say evolutionary. My desire to go beyond the limits has been satisfied by exchanges of skills and human relationships that have enriched me. The respect and the confidential approach already during the interview I appreciated them immediately, they give me an extra stimulus and make me live with serenity the changes. Being innovative and
evolutionary with respect to the market is manifested in the desire to be part of something bigger that is perhaps not only the core business of the company.
Available. We don’t want a lab rat, we want a person who is looking for solutions with us. With these words I was welcomed in the company and I realized that here the problem of the individual becomes everyone’s. The possibility of having a voice in the chapter, beyond the figure that I am the owner and age, allows me to express myself better and to relate to others, including the owners, with ease. The estimate comes to me, I feel it. Being appreciated is rewarding. In a context that gives you the right stress to be able to work I found availability and understanding. I was appreciated from the start and this strengthens my self-esteem.
The role he held. Responsibility and personal vision.
It’s a multiprospective view of everything. When I arrived at the office, a small number of people corresponded to a large amount of projects. I understood what the problems might be, what I could do to improve the work, the tools that I could make available to my colleagues. Sometimes the difficulty of us developers is accompanied by that of making perceive a series of aspects not previously put on the table at the time of the proposal. But it’s not an obstacle. That’s how so many projects were born that made it possible for me to live in the 360 º office. Having an overview is something that I can appreciate because this company being heterogeneous makes me understand actually what I’m doing, where they start and where certain things go. Basically what’s between the trip and the delivery. I want to add that Torello had the excellent intuition of “putting themselves at home” the IT department giving the opportunity to the resources to grow, to touch with hand what needs to be achieved. From the inside we perceive differently the commitment and the nature of the activities to do because there is a well-rounded vision and we must not underestimate that time is a fundamental factor, especially in this area, because it comes first on the need or problem. Internally, that need for confrontation that serves as a “validation” arises. The IT department is at the center of any business, whatever the company. Everything is interconnected and my task is to try to make the work to be done measurable and concrete.
Earth Day is being celebrated this week. Digital has a lot to offer in terms of sustainability.
Reducing the impact on the environment, trying to understand how Torello can contribute to make improvements in terms of respect for the environment is one of the foundations of the company that I like to give my contribution. There are many projects at stake, among them the GLAP patent and the TrailerCOLD BLUE system that start from a reflection on the scarcity of resources and their assessment in terms of sustainability.
Would you still choose this job?
Yes for my role, yes for the company, yes for the industry. You can find IT anywhere.