Torello supports the Banco Alimentare Emilia Romagna Onlus Foundation

15 Jul, 2016


To mark the publication of the Social Report 2015 of the Food Bank Foundation Onlus Emilia Romagna where you thank the institutions, companies and individuals for the offered support, we want to bring the witness of this reality that we have now discovered a little ‘time ago thanks to many of our customers.

The FBAER Onlus is a non-profit organization which for 25 years has been recovering perfectly edible food but for various reasons no longer marketable, withdrawing them from processing companies, large-scale organized distribution and catering. The reasons are varied: tight deadline, mislabelling of packaging, packaging slightly damaged, change the image of the product and others.

In Italy it is generated each year 5.6 million tons of surplus throughout the supply chain, from the fields to the table of the consumer, accounting for 16% of annual consumption. Of these 5.6 million tonnes, about 20% is generated by industry and distribution. (Giuliana Malaguti – Head of Food Bank Procurement).

The activities carried out by FBAER generates social benefit, economic, educational and environmental. Giving surpluses, companies return their economic value, reducing their storage and disposal costs thus allowing savings in energy resources.

Torello is proud to help transform food waste into a resource, and we hope that by speaking, those who do not yet know this reality can take an interest, because working with the Foundation means to do it as close to its activity, each to the extent that it can.