Our first commitment in the present is to look to the future. Torello publishes its 2023 Sustainability Report

22 Jan, 2024

“The dimension of doing” mentioned by Nicola Torello at the beginning of our first Sustainability Report is based on the questionnaire administered by Synesgy, relating to the period 01/01/2022-31/12/2022.

Transparency, the basic value of the entire Torello Group, requires accounting, making facts known and understandable to demonstrate that people’s opinions matter.  

The Sustainability Report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards, defined by the Global Reporting Initiative, the currently most widespread and recognized standard in the field of non-financial reporting, based on the principles and indications contained in the ISAE3000 (International Standard on Assurance Engagement 3000 – Revised) of the International Auditing and Assurance Standard Board (IAASB). 

This has given us the opportunity to map the most relevant facts, in relation to environmental, social and governance sustainability and provide an immediate and certified picture – as it responds to internationally recognized parameters – of our business. 

What’s in the Report?  

In the Report, we identified the effects of our actions by seeking measures to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and optimize the health and safety of employees, the resilience of the business model, and professional ethics.

“The responsible use of resources, certifications, the search for stability of the workforce, relations with stakeholders and the territory have gradually become fundamental for us as evidenced by the concordance of our actions with 5 of the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) parameters recognized by the United Nations”. Concetta Torello strongly wanted everyone to make their own contribution and collaborate, each in their own field, to produce the Sustainability Report. “We’re doing our best. Our first commitment in the present is to look to the future.”  

To find out more, go to the 2023 Sustainability Report.